- Learn the support booklet
- Go through all the past papers and mark schemes. Books and Support booklet.
- Check the exam board site (http://web.aqa.org.uk/qual/gce/science/electronics_materials.php?id=03&prev=03)
- DO THE exemplar resources ELEC4 (http://store.aqa.org.uk/qual/gce/pdf/AQA-2430-W-TRB-ELEC4EXEQ.PDF) and ELEC5 (http://store.aqa.org.uk/qual/gce/pdf/AQA-2430-W-TRB-ELEC5EXEQ.PDF)
- Go through the text book.
- Go through all your past packages.
- Bring any questions to the lesson on Monday 7th.
- Don't forget a calculator for the exam.